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[외국계 회사생활] 많이 쓰이는 약어 정리 (Acronym)

by 리지하이 2023. 7. 10.




처음 외국계 회사 생활을 할 때 가장 어려웠던 것이 바로 수많은 약어들.

수입, 물류 관련 회사에서 주로 쓰는 약어들을 정리해 보았다.


Acronym (약어) Meaning (뜻)
AP Accounts Payable (Also used for Asia Pacific)
AR Accounts Receivable
ASP Average Sell Price
ATCFT at the customer for the customer
BFO Blinding Flash of the Obvious
BIS Bureau of Industry & Security
BOH Balance on Hand
BOM  Bill of Materials
BRF Business Requirement Form
CAGR Calculated Average Growth Rates
Capex Capital Expenditure
CIT Corporate Information Technology
СМ Contribution Margin (Sales - RM, Ct, Fit, rebates, discounts, equipment)
CM1 Contribution Margin (CM - terms, merchandizing, commissions, samples, consignments)
CNM Customer Needs Mapping
COGS Cost of Goods Sold
COPO Cost of Poor Quality
CRP Capacity(capability) Requirement Planning
CTI Cycle Time Interval
CTW Cooling Tower Water
CV Coefficient of variation
CY  Container Yard (receiving port usually)
DFW Drug Free Workplace
DIDO Day In Day Out
DIFOT Delivery In Full On Time
DMD Demand
DPMO Defects per Million Opportunities
DSO Days Sales Outstanding
DV  Demand Variability
EAR Export Administration Regulations
EBIT  Earnings Before Interest & Tax
EBITA Earnings before Interest, tax & allocations
EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Direct Allocations
EBS Enterprise Business Systems
EEV Estimated Entity Value
EMR Express Model Reinforce
EOQ Economic Order Quantity (cost of carrying inventory & cost of ordering at min)
EPS Earnings Per Share
ERM Enterprise Resource Master
ERP Enterprise Resource Plan
FCA Free Carrier
FCF Free Cash Flow
FCST Forecast
FEU Forty-foot(40ft) Equivalent Unit
FF Freight Forwarder
FL  Factory Labor
GAAP General Accepted Accounting Principles
GBTG Global Business Technology Group
GM Gross Margin
HCM Human Capital Management
HSS  High Seas Sale
IFOT  In Full on Time
IPT Internet Protocol Telephony
IRR Internal Rate of Return
KPI Key Performance Indicator
KSF  Key Success Factors
LIFO Last in First out
LT Lead Time
LTM Last Twelve Month
Mfg manufacture
MGC Major Global Comp
MNC Major National Competitors
MOH Mfg Over Head
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MPS Master Production Schedule
MR Miscellaneous Resource
MRO Maintenance, Repair, Operating supplies
MRP Material Requirement Plan
MRP2 Manufacturing Resource Plan
MSIS Market Segment Income Statement
MSP Manufacturing Supply Plan
NESB Non English Speaking Background
NOPAT Non Operating Profit after Tax
NPI New Product Introduction
NPV Net Present Value
NWC Net Working Capital Inv +AR - AP/LTM sales + NWC as % sales
OEI Organization Employee Index
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OI Order Interval
OIR Organizational Incident Rate
OMM Original Machine Manufacturer
OOH Order on Hand
OOS Out of Specification
OpInc Operating income
ORG Quick Reference Guide
P&ID Piping& Instrument Drawing
PAC Production Activity Control
PEI Personnel Effectiveness Index
PH Planning Horizon
PLC Process Lead Time
PPV Purchase Price Variance
ROGI Return on Gross Investment
ROI Return on Operating Income
ROIC Return on invested capital
S&OP (SI&OP) Sales (Inventory) & Operational planning
SAR Single Account Resource
SCR System Change Request
SD or "s" or σ Standard Deviation
SDN System Dump Notice
SFDC Sales Force Dot Com
SIFOT Supply In Full On Time
SKU Stock Keeping Unit
SLA Service Level Agreement
SMART Specific, Measurable, Actioned (action orientated), Realistic, Timely
SME Subject Matter Experts
SMT Strategic Management Team
SOH Stock on Hand
SOI Substrates OEM institual
SOP Standard Operating Practice
SPC Statistical Process Control
SRS Software Requirement Specification
STA Sales to new account
STNC Sales to new close
SUCA (S.U.CA) Sustainable Unique Competitive Advantage
TAM Total available Mkt
TAT Turn Around Time
TBR Total Business Return
TEU Twenty-foot(20ft) Equivalent Unit
TSR Total Sales Return
TTM Trailing Twelve Months
TV Terminal Value
UCM Unit Cost of mfg
VC Value Creation
VUCM Variable Unit Cost of Manufacture
WACC Weighted Average Cost Capital
WC Working Capital


